Name: Endod

Scientific Name-

Phytolacca dodecandra

Family Name-


Key features-

Grows vibrant red berries that mature to form dark brown berries.


Native to Tropical Africa and Madagascar


Treatment in itching and ridding of leeches and intestinal worms.

Tree Description

I am native to tropical and South Africa, but I have been particularly popular in Ethiopia and Eritrea as a form of soap. It is a traditional soap, so I am useful for my botanical features; however, the soap was also used for medical reasons to settle the skin and ensure it is healthy. In traditional societies, I am also used for laundering clothes as I am easily accessible and in high supply, making me the perfect contender for this. Another important feature about me is that I am lethal to snails, so I can be used as a poison to get rid of snails. However, I welcome other species and am home to several butterfly and bird species.

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