Name: Texas Mountain Laurel

Scientific Name-

Dermatophylum secundiflorum (Ortega) (Gandhi & Reveal) <BR> Synonym: Sophora Secundiflora (Ortega) Lag. Ex DC

Family Name-


Key features-

Glossy bright green leaves


Native to arid climate regions in the Southwest.


Stimulate for hallucination.

Tree Description

I am native to arid climates as it is one of the growing conditions I require. My flower clusters are fragrant and have a distinct smell that resembles the scent of grapes. I also produce fruit that are bright red and very attractive; however, the seeds of the poison. I am known for my medical uses but can also be used as an ornamental tree. I am drought-tolerant and prefer rocky limestone as one of my other growing conditions, and I am slow-growing. I am valued by indigenous people in different regions for different reasons. This can be because of my beauty or medicinal uses based on the indigenous tribe.

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